Want to Get the Most Out of Your Workout? Try These 6 Weightlifting Tips

6 Ways to Get Past a Weightlifting Plateau

Weight lifting is essential during your workout. However, it requires precision and adding as you advance. As a beginner, weight lifting may seem ridiculous and a concept of people who have advanced in physical fitness. After all, how do you know you are lifting the correct weight? Yes, weightlifting can be intimidating at the start. However, it is necessary if you are looking forward to building strength. Strength training does not mean throwing yourself in a room full of weights and lifting everything around you. It is about lifting gradually as you progress and does not have to be complicated as you start. Here are things you should do when starting weightlifting to get the best results.

  • Invest in Equipment

How you move, and the equipment you use is critical when beginning with weight lifting. The good news is that you can buy at-home fitness equipment online. For beginners, dumbbells can be an excellent place to start. You can go for three sets-light, moderate and heavy. Additionally, investing in an adjustable set of weights may be a good idea to save space if you plan to add more weight in the future. Other non-weight tools you can add to make your workout comfortable include weightlifting straps – Versa Gripps, resistance bands, and sliders. Mixing these with your training will help you get the best results.

  • Warm Up Before Starting

Every workout session must begin with a warm-up to prepare the muscles. It flows blood to help the muscles work well and prevent cramps. You can start with a dynamic workout involving gentle movements to prepare the muscles for the intense work they are about to do. Make sure you increase your motion range as you go more profound for the best results.

  • Begin with Your Bodyweight

It is advisable to begin with your body weight before lifting additional weights. Strength training is about resistance to work out your muscles. Therefore, start with your body weight and add dumbbells and barbells as you progress. Your workout is effective when using bodyweight and helps you as a beginner to know movement patterns used in strength training.

  • Know the Right Weight to Lift

It would be helpful to have a standard starting weight for every beginner. However, the weight you start with depends on your strength, type of exercise, repetitions, and sets. The rule of thumb is to begin slowly and add weight as you feel stronger. Remember, different activities will need different weights based on the muscle groups you are working out.

  • Schedule Regular Exercise

One challenge beginners face during strength training is knowing when and how often they should exercise. The key to better performance is starting slow, like two days a week, and adding another day as you progress. This gives your body enough time to get used and respond to the workout. Making every day a total-body workout day is a good idea instead of splitting it based on muscle groups. When not lifting weights, try some cardio for your overall health.

  • Rest When You Need It

Your muscles will feel sore at the end of the day due to delayed onset muscle soreness. During workouts, the muscles experience microscopic tissue damage, causing soreness. However, that is how you build strength. The important thing is knowing when to rest and continue depending on how you feel.


You must listen to your body during strength training. So, much as you admire the pros who lift heavy weights and want to be there soon, you must take your time and go slow.

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