Test Your Mettle with Our 30-minute Fat-blasting Dumbbell Workout
We’re not ones to hold anything back here at Men’s Health, so rather than bring you a workout programmed and performed by either Faisal Abdalla, Gustavo Vaz Tostes, head coach of WIT Training, or Scott Britton of Battle Cancer, instead, we decided to bring you a workout that boasts the brains, sweat and banter of all three of them. How’s that for a power move?
Originally screened as part of our month-long fitness festival, Men’s Health Weekenders, this workout is, to put it mildly, a tough one. But it’s worth the effort.
You’re going to be working for three total rounds. In rounds one and two, you’ll do two exercises in one minute. In the first round, you’ll rep out six dumbbell thrusters — three per arm, if you’ve only got one weight — followed by as many jackknives as you can muster in the remainder of the minute. In the second, grind through six hand-release press-ups and as many alternating snatches until the minute’s up. Lastly, the third round is a traditional tabata-style workout to leave no muscle group untorched. Abdalla will walk you through the entire workout if you’re unsure of anything.
Ready to start? Check out the video above, where Britton’s 10-minute warmup will get you warm before you work. Once you’re finished you can sign up to the rest of our fitness festival, Men’s Health WEEKENDERS HERE.
Round One
Work for one minute, then rest for a minute. Three rounds.
6 Dumbbell Thrusters
- Clean your pair of dumbbells up to your shoulders and squat down, keeping your back straight and your chest up, until your thighs are beyond parallel to the ground.
- Stand back up explosively and, in one motion, press both of the dumbbells overhead to full lockout.
- Now, reverse the movement and repeat. Quickly. If you only have one bell, alternate hands every ten reps.
- Lie on your side back with your legs extended and your arms extended, so your body is parallel to the floor.
- Tense your core and bring your arms and legs together, making sure to keep them extended.
Round Two
Work for one minute, then rest for a minute. Three rounds.
6 Hand-release Press-ups
- Adopt a normal press-up position as your starting position.
- Lower your chest so it’s touching the ground.
- Lift your hands off the ground before lifting yourself back into a high-plank position.
Alternating snatches
- Holding a dumbbell in one hand between your legs, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Drive upwards through your hips and knees and as the dumbbell rises to shoulder height, rotate your hand and push it upwards until your arm is locked out.
- Squat down and return the weight to the start position.
- Repeat. Complete the prescribed reps with one arm, then swap sides.
Round Three – Tabata (20 seconds on, 10 seconds off)
Four rounds
- From a standing position squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and place your palms on the floor.
- From there, kick your feet back as far as you can while keeping your arms extended.
- As soon as your feet land jump them back in towards your hands, then jump up into the air. Land and immediately squat down to go into the next rep.
Dumbbell Toe Touch
- Lie on your back with your heels facing towards the sky and a dumbbell in your hands.
- Using your core muscles raise the dumbbell so that it touches your toes, before lowering back to the start position under control.
About MH Weekenders
Men’s Health Weekenders is a month-long festival of fitness, with a healthy dose of food for thought thrown in for good measure. We are assembling the best trainers and athletes in the game, as well as inspirational figures from the worlds of sport, psychology and nutrition, to help our audience kick-start the new year positively and hit the ground running.
Click on the events HERE, or below, to see details of what is happening each day and register for session reminders plus a FREE copy of our Men’s Health Weekenders e-zine.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Saturday Morning Burn, with the MH Squad
John Chapman and Leon Bustin of the Lean Machines and CrossFit athlete Zack George take you through a functional fitness session that is simple to do but tough on calories.
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Challenge MH, with MH Fitness Editor Andrew Tracey and Tom Kemp
AT and Tom lay down a double dumbbell “chipper”, setting a huge total of reps to complete and then chipping away until you get to zero. Sure and steady will win you an unparalleled pump.
7:00 PM – 7:20 PM
Saturday Night Dopamine Feasts, with Tom Kerridge: Pickled Pastrami Soup
There’s eating well, and there’s eating well – and luckily for you, Tom Kerridge knows a thing about both. His hot pastrami and pickle broth is a dish that’s as good for your weight-loss goals as it is for your taste buds.
Sunday, January 24, 2021
10:00 AM – 10:35 AM
Feel-Good HIITs, with Bradley Simmonds
Get your endorphin fix with these full-body workouts created by top PT and former MH cover star Bradley Simmonds. From simple dumbbell and kettlebell moves to intense Tabata, these sessions are guaranteed to start your Sunday morning the right way.
2:00 PM – 2:40 PM
Face Time with Conor “the Destroyer” Benn
The WBA continental welterweight champion shares how he prepares mentally for fight night, answers your reader questions and contemplates what it’d be like to walk into the ring to Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On”…
7:00 PM – 7:20 PM
The Mindful Cool-Down, sleep easy with Michael James Wong
Sleep easy by tuning in and calming down with Michael’s beginner’s yoga and meditation session that will banish the insomnia that can often end the weekend. Breathe in, breathe out. Good night.
Friday, January 29, 2021
Men’s Health Weekenders Shopping Weekend
Join Men’s Health Weekenders from midday on Friday 29 January to midnight Sunday 31 January for a full weekend of shopping with exclusive discounts at our virtual Men’s Health marketplace filled with some our favourite health and wellness brands.
Saturday, January 30, 2021
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Saturday Morning Burn, with the MH Squad
Gus Vaz Tostes, the head coach of WIT Training, leads you through a heart-pumping dumbbell workout with a six-pack finisher that will hit your core from every angle, with Faisal Abdalla and Scott Britton keeping you moving.
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Challenge MH, with MH Fitness Editor Andrew Tracey and Tom Kemp
Get to grips with odd-object training by taking on this AMRAP from AT and Tom, which tasks you to perform “as many rounds of possible” armed with a sandbag, heavy backpack or anything you fancy picking up…
7:00 PM – 7:15 PM
Saturday Night Dopamine Feasts, with Tom Kerridge: Gammon Steak with Dill Pickle Dressing
We’ve got gammon steaks and fried duck eggs on the menu for our final cook-along with the UK’s favourite Michelin-starred chef – a classic feel-good combo that’s starch-light and happy-heavy.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
10:00 AM – 10:35 AM
Feel-Good HIITs, with Bradley Simmonds
Get your endorphin fix with these full-body workouts created by top PT and former MH cover star Bradley Simmonds. From simple dumbbell and kettlebell moves to intense Tabata, these sessions are guaranteed to start your Sunday morning the right way.
2:00 PM – 2:40 PM
Strength in Numbers, with Spencer Matthews and Shaun Stafford
The reality star and his very muscular trainer share the swole truth about the transformation that saw Matthews’s body fat drop to 5%, while his five-rep deadlift went up to 130kg. Made in Chelsea, remade by MH.
7:00 PM – 7:20 PM
The Mindful Cool-Down, with Michael James Wong
As MH Weekenders and January comes to a close, move into 2021 motivated and inspired with Michael’s final session of yoga and a last chance to sit down and take stock before moving forward.
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