Most Common Eating Disorders And Their Causes

Common Types Of Eating Disorders -

Eating disorders are a psychological issue that results in disturbed eating behavior. The most apparent forms of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating. Such an eating order affects a person’s normal eating behavior, causing him to showcase abnormal eating patterns.

Persistent abnormal eating patterns result in many serious health consequences. The body becomes unable to acquire the required nutrition, and it may also become prey to many serious diseases as a result. Such eating disorders can occur at any time of age. However, it is most prominent in young teens.


An eating disorder is a psychological issue, and there is no exact cause behind such issues. There may be many causes ultimately resulting in eating disorders.

  1. Genetics And Biology

Many people are at a higher risk of getting eating disorders because of certain genes. Likewise, it might be an outcome of biological factors such as changes in brain chemistry in many people.

  1. Psychological And Emotional Health

Many people who are going through intense psychological stress may even get an eating disorder. People with bad emotional health also end up suffering from such kinds of eating disorders. In many cases, it is due to emotional trauma.

Types Of Eating Disorders

Basically, eating disorders affect normal eating psychology, and this is translated into an abnormal or disturbed eating pattern. There are various types of eating disorders; however, the most commonly occurred eating disorders are as follows

  1. Anorexia Nervosa

It can be characterized as deliberately restrictive eating behavior owing to the fear of gaining weight. Such behavior results in an abnormally low body weight which may prove life-threatening. Normally eating disorders disrupt the normal perception of weight, body shape, and eating pattern. Those who suffer from anorexia have distorted perceptions about body shape.

In addition to a restrictive diet, the person may even use other techniques in order to avoid letting in extra calories into the body. These techniques possibly include intentional vomiting after eating, excessive exercise or workout routine, and using aids to keep weight at the lowest possible level. As a result, people with anorexia are usually underweight.

  1. Bulimia Nervosa

This is another most commonly occurred eating disorder, and normally people with bulimia disorder are either at a normal weight or slightly overweight. Though the body weight and body shape might appear normal, the sufferer is actually going through an intense eating disorder. People with bulimia usually go through episodes of overeating and episodes to get rid of it.

In bulimia, a sufferer might go through phases of overeating and then restrictive eating patterns side by side. Bulimia sufferers might end up eating too much in a small period of time. Afterward, in order to deal with the guilt of overeating, you may get indulged abnormally in activities to get rid of the food eaten. 

  1. Binge Eating Disorder

A person with a binge eating disorder may be overweight or obese. People with such disorders are observed to lack control over overeating, and hence they end up eating too much and too often in a short period of time. Such people do not feel guilt and may even eat without hunger.

Binge eating disorder gradually results in alarming weight problems and many other health issues associated with obesity. It becomes impossible for such people to socialize and get involved in normal activities of life. In order to deal with stress and anxiety, the sufferer only responds by eating more and more.


Eating disorders are actually psychological issues, and it requires professional assistance from a licensed psychologist. Based on the condition, the doctor might recommend psychotherapy and even medication. It is essential to fix the problem because if the problem is not treated, then it might put the life of the sufferer at stake.

Eating Disorder And Addiction

There is a strong connection between eating disorders and addiction. Maybe this is the reason why one can acquire treatment for such eating disorders in numerous rehabs. Research suggests that about 50% of people who face eating disorders are also facing addiction issues. Such people are mostly observed either drinking excessively or using other street drugs.

If you or your loved one is facing the same issues, then do not worry; you are not alone. You can look for personalized treatment around you. For instance, there are several rehabs for California residents that offer treatment for eating disorders along with addiction treatment. Staying around your loved ones can help in providing vital family support to recover.

Risk Factors   

There are certain risk factors that depict who are more likely to face such kinds of eating disorders. Let us go through some of these:

  1. Gender

Normally it is observed that teenage girls and young women are more likely to get such issues in comparison with young men. Also, it is most prominently observed in teen years and early twenties as compared with other ages.

  1. Stress

Unmanaged or unbearable stress also increases the risk factor of developing eating disorders. Stress in any form of workplace politics, the tension in relationships, or fear may become the cause of an eating disorder in a person.

  1. Family History

If any of the parents or close relatives have experienced eating disorders, then it puts a person at a higher risk of getting through such eating disorders. The severity, however, might differ from individual to individual.

  1. Other Mental Issues

Most commonly, people with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues are at higher risk of developing eating disorders as compared to others.

  1. Dieting And Starvation

Restrictive diets and starvation for unrealistic weight goals might also increase the risk factor for developing eating disorders. Such restrictive eating behavior sets up a pattern in the brain that might trigger result in abnormal eating behavior.

Take Away

Eating disorders can give rise to many health complications. It can become serious and may aggravate other issues. It is essential to seek immediate professional help and figure out such issues for better and healthy living.