How Can Pregnancy Affect Your Eyesight?

Vision Changes During Pregnancy - Eye Floaters, Spots & More

Your own eyes do not deceive you: During pregnancy, many women notice that their vision has become fuzzy, or at the very least that their eyes are less sharp than usual.

There’s no reason to be alarmed. After birth, your eyesight will most likely return to normal in a blink of an eye, if not sooner.

When does blurry vision during pregnancy start?

When you’re pregnant, your body changes in every way, often in an uncomfortable way, so it’s no wonder that your eyesight may be changed as well.

In some instances, your eyes may be blurry, itchy, or infected at any point throughout your pregnancy, depending on the cause of the condition. Many women report that their symptoms worsen as the pregnancy advances before improving following the delivery of their child, which is why it’s necessary to get a pupil measurement from a doctor.

What causes blurry vision during pregnancy?

When it comes to fuzzy vision during pregnancy, there are a variety of factors to consider: 

  • Reduced tear production: Hormones associated with pregnancy (what else?) Medications may cause dryness, irritation, and pain in the eyes by decreasing tear production (which is strange because they do not reduce weeping!). However, a doctor should perform an evaluation of pupillary reaction if things get worse.
  • Eye pressure: As with swelling in your ankles and feet, hormones may trigger fluid accumulation in your eyes as well as in other parts of your body. This may lead to changes in your pupil reactivity that might affect your vision when you are expecting a kid. A shift in the thickness of your cornea may also be noticeable, which may make your eyes feel more sensitive and make wearing contact lenses more challenging.
  • Poorer peripheral vision: No one knows why certain pregnant women have a restricted field of vision from time to time, but it’s not a terrible bet to attribute it to hormones as a contributing factor as well. Be assured that your vision will return to normal once your baby is delivered if you are experiencing this symptom.

What can I do about blurry vision when I’m pregnant?

These suggestions can help you deal with the blurry vision that comes along with being pregnant:

  • Use pregnancy-safe eye drops: If your eyes are very dry, lubricating eye drops, often known as “artificial tears,” are frequently a safe and economical option that you may purchase at your local drugstore or pharmacy. To ensure that you select anything that is both useful and safe to use while you are pregnant, consult your doctor for a pupil diameter measurement before making a decision.
  • Give your eyes a rest: Don’t strain your eyes in any way. If you’re having trouble seeing, read in bright light and take frequent breaks to rest your eyes. Don’t attempt to drive if you’re having trouble seeing. If your contact lenses are causing you discomfort, you may want to try wearing your glasses until after the birth.
  • Don’t shell out for a new prescription: If your vision hasn’t changed significantly enough that you’re having trouble seeing, don’t bother getting a new pair of glasses or a new contact prescription unless you get a test for pupillary response in traumatic brain injury. Wait until after you’ve given birth to your child, after which your eyesight should return to normal.
  • Don’t over-correct: It is recommended by ophthalmologists that you refrain from having corrective laser eye surgery (such as LASIK) for six months before conception, six months during pregnancy, and six months following birth (or six months post-weaning if you are nursing) throughout your pregnancy. Although it will not harm your baby, it may result in overcorrection, which may need another surgical procedure later.

As a result of spending all day looking at a computer screen, you may notice that your eyes are strained, and your vision is fuzzy. This is a typical condition that may be aggravated by pregnancy. Blinking often and taking regular pauses away from your computer screen might be beneficial.

The 20-20-20 rule, recommended by the American Optometric Association, states that you should stare at an item about 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes for a total of 20 minutes.

External strategies for preventing computer vision syndrome include reducing glare from other light sources (such as lights or windows), wearing screen glasses, using an anti-glare screen, and positioning the screen slightly below eye level and around two feet away from your face.

If fuzzy vision during pregnancy is causing you significant distress, see your doctor. When it comes to training your brain and eyes to work together more efficiently, eye exercises or vision therapy may be of assistance at times.

Can I prevent blurry vision during pregnancy?

It is impossible to avoid hazy vision during pregnancy and other visual changes. Still, it is possible to be prepared with an arsenal of lubricating eye drops and a couple of pairs of glasses (in case you lose one).

You may also want to inform your spouse, family, and friends that you may not be able to drive until your eyesight returns to normal after your eye surgery.

When can I expect my blurry vision during pregnancy to end?

It is normal for pregnant women to have blurry vision and irritated eyes. Fortunately, the changes you observe are just temporary, and your pregnancy vision should return to normal following the birth of your child.

When should I call the doctor about blurry vision during pregnancy?

In most cases, blurry vision during pregnancy is not a sign of a miscarriage or a more severe problem. The abrupt appearance of fuzzy vision during pregnancy may indicate more significant health issues, such as gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, which may lead to miscarriage.

You should notify your doctor immediately if you notice any abrupt blurring of vision or other changes in your vision during pregnancy. Another sign that you may be experiencing preeclampsia or gestational diabetes is:

  • Hand and face enlarge to the point of immobility.
  • Tylenol doesn’t work for a severe headaches.
  • Sudden weight increase that is unrelated to food intake
  • There is an unusual thirst in this case.
  • Urination in significant quantities on a regular basis.

Attend all of your planned prenatal visits, speak to your practitioner about any of your symptoms, and be sure to keep track of any changes that may occur throughout your pregnancy.

Although severe preeclampsia may need an early birth to protect you and your baby, these diseases usually are relatively controllable if discovered and treated early.


The most frequent cause of blurry vision is the inflammation or infection of the eyeball known as pink eye. Immediately notify your doctor of any additional pink eye symptoms, including redness, itching, or an unpleasant gritty sensation in one or both eyes so that a pupillary light reflex can be conducted.