Are Boxing Lessons Worth It?


Boxing is back in the mainstream, with many glitzy celebrities taking the sport on as a hobby in an effort to keep in shape and maintain their weight. Most people see boxing as a brutal contact sport that is more likely to give you a broken nose rather than a toned set of abs, but this couldn’t be further from the truth; there are many types of boxing gyms out there, each with a specific style that could be perfect for your goals! 

What Do You Want Out of Boxing?

Boxing is a versatile activity that can be adapted to suit a wide variety of needs and goals. Trying to punch like the next Muhamand Ali? Try a more hardcore boxing gym that fouses on technical skill, footwork, and boxing fundamentals! What if you aren’t trying to throw hands seriously in a fight? A cardio-boxing hybrid class is the perfect choice for you; the footwork, core stability, and quick moving of boxing combined with a HIIT style circuit will get the sweat flowing and help you burn tons of calories!

Some Newbie Tips

You may be nervous about what to expect from your first boxing session, but fret no longer! You’ll want to get there early, think 15-20 minutes; this will allow you to make sure everything is ready to go and you’re good to box. Another thing to think about is equipment; boxing is not super equipment heavy but you’ll want a good, maneuverable pair of shoes and make sure you pick up a set of hand wraps from your local sport goods store! Most gyms will have sets of gloves on hand for you to use, but handwraps are absolutely essential when it comes to striking a punching bag. Set yourself up for success and you’ll have a spectacular first session!

This post was written by Darryl Johnson, Co-Owner of Apex performance. At Apex performance we are a community of highly trained experts looking to provide performance enhancement and a permanent lifestyle change for our clients in a fun and interactive environment. Members can take advantage of boxing classes in Tampa, small group classes and specialized courses for a wide variety of athletics, sports training and body goals!