5 Ways To Help Kids Successfully Overcome Their Fear Of Pediatric Dentists
Fear of dentists is a common problem that many adults face, and kids are not an exception. Some children will develop fear when they hear people discussing their challenging and painful experiences. Others may develop anxiety because the dentist is a stranger to them. Luckily, this is a problem that your child can overcome. The following are tips to enable your little one move past this hindrance in their next dental visit.
Start early
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that parents bring their children for their first dental visit when their first tooth erupts, or after their first birthday. With early dental visits, problems can be detected early, and treatment measures are taken to prevent further damage. Furthermore, children will experience less pain in future procedures, and this can help to curb anxiety.
Find the right pediatric dentist
Children will feel more comfortable when they are going to a dentist that they like. Parents should always take their children to pediatric dentists because they are specialists in treating children. These professionals will use smaller dental instruments and will have plenty of kids’ toys for them to play with. They are also prepared to work with anxious children and those with special needs to guarantee a better dental experience.
Keep It Simple
As you prepare for the dental visit, you should avoid including a lot of details. By doing so, you will raise more questions from the child, and this will necessitate you to add more information. Make sure that you maintain a positive attitude when talking about upcoming dental visits. However, you should also avoid giving the child false hope, especially if he/she needs more complex treatment. This is because he/she may end up losing trust in both you and the dentist.
Drop by before the actual appointment
You can stop by the clinic a few days before the dental appointment. This will give your child the opportunity to look around, and even meet the clinic staff. Children need to build a rapport with the dentist before they come in for a complicated procedure. When kids are comfortable with the dental staff they meet at the office, they will have a sense of familiarity that will make their official visit easier and more fun.
Avoid Bribery
Most dental professionals do not recommend bribing the child with special treats if he/she behaves well at the dental clinic. Children are intuitive beings, and any promises may increase their apprehension. Furthermore, promising a child sugary treats will also send a wrong message, especially after the dentist emphasizes on avoiding sweets to ensure healthy and clean teeth.
Helping kids to overcome the fear of dentists is important for their physical and mental wellbeing. After all, giving your children proper dental care is important for their overall health. Make sure that you follow the aforementioned tips to help your child avoid fear during a dental visit.